
Is the Common Core a curriculum?

  1. @CCSSMParents You mentioned it not being a curriculum. So is it more of a way of approaching math?
  2. .@BanterBurbia I'm so glad you asked this!! You played right into my hand!! :) #CCSSMforparents
  3. Ok, so this begs the question: what ARE standards? Are they curriculum? Are they textbooks? Are they tests? #CCSSMforparents
  4. Standards are essentially legal documents (they're passed by STATE LEGISLATORS) that state what that state will teach. #CCSSMforparents
  5. They're actually really dry documents. Not a lot of fun to read. Like you wouldn't want to start a book club with them. #CCSSMforparents
  6. And I should also mention that states aren't the only people who write standards documents. + #CCSSMforparents
  7. The NCTM (Nat'l Council of Teacher of Math) have had standards for YEARS. The NCTM standards are great! Research-based and+ #CCSSMforparents
  8. The standards are what schools and teachers are accountable for. So, in theory, textbooks, tests, the whole enchilada+ #CCSSMforparents.
  9. is based on the standards. BUT, there is a necessary interpretation of the document that gets challenging. Also, there's + #CCSSMforparents
  10. money to be made (millions? billions?) in stating that your textbook/test is aligned to the CCSSM. So of course everyone+ #CCSSMforparents
  11. *says* that they're aligned. But you really have to dig deeper to verify it. #CCSSMforparents.

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